Thursday, December 20, 2012


Well, it's been another busy week trying to find time to workout.  There was so much going on besides my procrastination.  Worst of all is that both of my daughters are sick with the flu.  The entire day Wednesday was used dealing with that. Thursday has been taken to take care of them.  I'm glad I was off work those two days to be home with them.  My oldes daughter is much better, but my youngest is going through the worst night.  She'll be better tomorrow.  Anyhow, I'm gonna work hard to get myself motivated so that I can begin working out as soon as this situation clears up.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Just when you think you have the right combination of tasks which you believe are time "just right," guess what happens! Ha!  Ok, here it is.  There's been no time for exercise, but plenty of time to eat the right foods.  I even ate a couple of persimmons yesterday.  Anyhow, my daughter has only a few days of school left which will leave my mornings wide open!  I have the exact day that I will begin, the exact routine I will start off with, and certainly an exciting blog post afterwards!  I'll post more before then though.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5, 2012

So my diet had gotten stricter, and my rest/sleep periods have been coordinated so that I can heal from working out with no problem once I get going.  The weather is geting cold which make getting out of bed harder.  I'm considering working out late after work so that I don't have to mess with getting up early.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I took Tuesday through Saturday off from work to get myself started!  After tomorrow I'll have a lot of time!!