Friday, November 30, 2012


I've not been able to post anything in the last few days as I've been tied up in the Christmas hustle.  The food portions have remained the same but I've yet to get up at 6am and work-out...ha.  It'll happen soon! 

Monday, November 26, 2012


Today's post will be short and sweet as today was pretty much like yesterday.  I didn't get up to exercise, but I did stick with the diet.  Isn't interesting how you want so much go get up and exercise up until the alarm clock goes off!! 

You know, what I like about blogging about this journey is the honesty.  I'm going to tell you straight about the ups and downs, the victories and the temporary defeats.  I'm excited about tomorrow mornings attempt to lift myself out of this bed and get the fitness program going.  Once I get up the first time, the next time will be easier and so on.  Ok...only 4 months to go! 


Sunday, November 25, 2012


Ok folks.  Today's meals were cut by 1/3 and consisted of the following:

1 1/2 cup of oatmeal

Small salad

2 pieces grilled chicken with soft tortillas
(3 packs mayo)

3 tblsp. cottage cheese and crackers
1 1/2 cup squash

1 cup dressing and 1 cup green bean casserole

(8 - 10 pieces of chocolate as a reward!)

It's only 10pm and I'm about to hit the sack at the 3rd attempt to get up at 6am.


Cool....I woke up this morning at 8am and am having hot tea and 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal.  I will cut my portions of meals by 1/3 today.


For those of you interested in joining my team for Tough Mudder Las Vegas, I will have information posted on this blog immediately after I register. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Unavoidable circumstances are going to keep me up late tonight.  It's a great thing that I have started trying to do this early on.   Tough Mudder isn't until April, so that gives me 5 months preparation.

Come to think of it, I am going to post picture monthly rather than bi-monthly.  Anyhow, I thought I'd throw out a bit of good news since I'm awake.  Take a look below!!

Have a great night!

TODAY'S MEALS here's my run down of meals today. This morning I had stated that I was going to have oatmeal, but there was no time.  I replaced it with a 6 ounce protein drink.  Anyhow, that was at 9am.  At 11am I had a heavy meal which included about 5 saucy ribs, a couple tablespoons of rice pilaf, and three pieces of bok choy.

For a small snack, I ate a bit of greens, onions, celery and beans which was at 2pm.

For my next meal which was at 4pm, I had a simple turkey sandwich with one thin slice of swiss cheese, tomato, and three packets of mayo.  It's important to eat a lot of black pepper when you can as it boosts your metabolism.

For my last meal of the night, I had dinner at home which consisted of rice, poncit, and some squash. I ate this meal at 8:15pm and it will be it for the night.

If I get hungry throughout the night, I will eat walnuts and drink lots of water.  Speaking of such, I had 3 botttles of water, two cups of coffee, and one glass of tea.

This still seems like a lot of food, and it certainly is.  One must reduce the portions as he/she goes so that hunger is managable.  Tomorrows meals will be smaller.  Once again, I'm going to attempt getting up at 6am for my work out.  Wish me luck!


Ok folks.  Here's the low-down.  I'm currently 176 lbs with belly of 36 in.  Here are the pics for the before and after.  I will post a new pic every two weeks to show the progress.


I got up at 8am this morning instead of 6am and will begin the workout tomorrow morning.  As I tossed and turned last night, I could feel the ability to get up early slipping away.  However, to start off the day, I am having hot tea with two tea bags and 1 1/4 cup of oatmeal.  I stopped eating sugar years ago, so I'm good to go.  I'll post information as the day progresses. 

Thoughts - Last night I had many thoughts about getting back into shape and tackling Tough Mudder.  Above all, I am going to do my best to make it to the top 5%.  I may not end up being the toughest Mudder, but I'll be the toughest I can be! 

I will take a picture of myself today before work to show the beginning. 

God Bless!!

Friday, November 23, 2012


So it's midnight and I feel that I won't be able to sleep any time soon.  I got up and got a light snack, got back into bed, and decided to write.  If in fact I do not get up in time to work-out, I will at least post the first picture of myself to document the change over time.  Goodnight all!

Saturday Plan

I plan on getting up at 6am to go and workout.  This is tentative as EVERYONE knows how it is when trying to get started.  I'll do a light warm-up work out and map out the next few day's workouts.

A Side Note.

In addition to the other information, I will also include the equipment that I use for training and a detailed review of it's quality and such. 


Hello, my name is Chaz.  I discovered Tough Mudder about a year and a half ago and was thrilled to find out that it was coming to Las Vegas.  I waited with excitement until the day that the dates were posted, and started planning my workout routine. 

I began with a moderate workout using Insanity.  Yes.....I know what you are thinking and you do as much as you want, not try to kill yourself working through the videos. Anyhow, I worked at that for almost two months and began incorporating running into my routine. 

As I had run many miles in the military, getting back into the groove was easy.  I started off with 2 miles every other day and by the end of two months I was up to 7 miles every other day. I was ready for Tough Mudder from my workouts and was a week away.

I ran on a Monday and finished strong.  I rested that Tuesday and was going to do a light run that Wednesday as Tough Mudder was Sunday.  I stretched just as I always had and everything seemed ok.  However, I got 25-30 feet into the run and had a sharp pain go through my hip and glut muscle.  To make a long story short, I was out of the Tough  Mudder event one week before it occurred.  With that said, I have been resting and recovering and will begin working out for the next TM event. 

I am going to take a different approach to working out this time and have to decided to create a blog stating my journey.  I'll include daily workouts, meals, emotions, thoughts and excitement.  I hope that this will inspire others to join us in supporting Tough Mudder, but also to inspire you to blog about something you like. 

As I am going to attempt to get up in the morning and work out, it will be a good idea to close for now.  I hope you enjoy the ride!